About Us
We Are A Small Company Absolutely Driven By The Quality Of Our Rifles, Attention to Detail, Service, and Total Customer Satisfaction...Your Life Depends On It!

Here at Rock-Op Defense Solutions we pride ourselves on our handmade rifles with only the best components sourced right here in the United States! We are a small company that has emphasis on handmade rifles using top quality and proven components and tried and tested industry proven assembly techniques.
We were tired of seeing people that needed these tools fall short of quality due to buying what the guy behind the counter says, or what a friend told them based upon what brand they were loyal to...not what really worked.
Rock-op Defense rifles take out the guess work and are proven by industry standards and will meet and more times exceed them in a quality, handmade fighting/defensive rifle. We put our reputation in the industry on it! In the unlikely or unforeseen event that you have problems or issues with your rifle, our number rings straight to the owners and we will make it right!
Our warranty is transferable to EACH owner, not just the purchaser! We appreciate your business and giving us the opportunity to show you just why Rock-Op Defense rifles are some of the very best rifles for defenders and operators alike! Get Hard...Stay Hard, with Rock-Op Defense Solutions as a part of your kit!
In Service,
Ross S. Earles, President
Pat J. Skowronek, Vice President